Had our assesments on monday, set our work up in our studio spaces and hung our garments on a rail. Have to wait until the end of June for grades though. Then on Tuesday we had to take all our work down, empty our lockers and clear the studios. Since then ive been helping 'my 3rd year', Lale get ready for the degree show. Cleaning screens, painting walls etc. She has kindly invited me to the private view of the degree show to say thank you for my help. The private view is on my birthday so its a nice treat! Will post pictures of her work on the blog. Anyway the picture is of my space set up for assessment. Im going to miss my desk! Had Catherine sitting one side of me, and Emily sitting the other side (she always brings in blueberrys). Next term will be in the 3rd year class room, and this time next year will be getting ready for my degree show, yikes!!